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Co-Chairs of the Self-Study Committee

Rita J. Toliver-Roberts, Ed. D.

Rita J. Toliver-Roberts, Ed. D.
Vice President, Academic Affairs and Provost

Brian Finnegan, Ed.D.

Brian Finnegan, Ed.D.
Dean, IT and General Education

Debra Schrammel

Debra Schrammel
Assistant Vice President, Institutional Assessment

Steering Committee

  • Dr. Rita Toliver-Roberts, Vice President, Academic Affairs and Provost
  • Dr. Brian Finnegan, Dean, Information Technology and General Education 
  • Ms. Debra Schrammel, Assistant Vice President, Institutional Advancement
  • Ms. Camille Pierre, Academic Assessment Analyst
  • Dr. Adrian Zappala, Dean, Graduate Studies
  • Mr. Michael Agnello, Associate Professor and Faculty Chair, Legal Studies
  • Ms. Ivy Kempf, Professor, Legal Studies
  • Ms. Elizabeth Krapp, Vice President, Finance and Administration 
  • Mr. Dennis Barbee, Director, Business Solutions

Working Groups

  • Working Group 1 - Standard I and VII

    • Dr. Adrian Zappala, Chair
    • Ms. Tara McBride, Co-Chair
    • Ms. Leslie Ballway
    • Mr. James Burns
  • Working Group 2 - Standard II

    • Mr. Michael Agnello, Chair 
    • Dr. Stephanie Donovan, Co-Chair
    • Mr. Sam Barber
    • Mr. Vito Chimenti
    • Mr. Barron Felder
  • Working Group 3 - Standard III

    • Ms. Ivy Kempf, Chair 
    • Dr. Cathy Littlefield, Co-Chair
    • Mr. Marguerite Pannell
    • Ms. Kelsey Gleason
    • Dr. Melissa Kowalski
  • Working Group 4 - Standard IV

    • Mr. Dennis Barbee, Chair 
    • Ms. Tracey Thomas, Co-Chair
    • Ms. Ruthann Wyatt
    • Ms. Christa Donato
    • Dr. Shannon Begley
    • Dr. Stephanie Gibbs-Emenaka
  • Working Group 5 - Standard V

    • Dr. Brian Finnegan, Chair 
    • Ms. Camille Pierre, Co-Chair
    • Dr. Jamie Loggains
    • Ms. Kristin Inciardi
    • Mr. Christopher Nosal
  • Working Group 6 - Standard VI

    • Ms. Elizabeth Krapp, Chair 
    • Dr. Charlene Glenn, Co-Chair
    • Dr. Linda Currie
    • Mr. Matthew Capobianco
    • Ms. Debra Schrammel
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