COVID-19 Info and Resources: Peirce remains fully operational. All Session 1 classes will be provided online. Learn more.


Bachelor's in Liberal Studies

The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies is multidisciplinary program designed for students with at least 30 transfer credits, especially those with a wide variety of credits earned at other institutions and credits awarded for professional and military training, credit-by-exam programs and other prior learning.

  • Scholarships of up to $5,000 are available to new students who enroll in Sessions 2 through 5 of this year. Learn more
  • Earn both your bachelor’s and a certificate of proficiency when you select Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Human Resource Management, IT Support, Medical Coding, Project Management Administration, Quality Service Management or Supply Chain Management and Logistics. 
  • Save time and money by applying up to 102 transfer credits toward this degree, including up to 60 elective credits.
  • Embed employer-recognized certifications into your program.
  • Complete your remaining credits entirely online.
  • Meet your professors each week during optional, live, virtual sessions.
  • Gain the knowledge and skills that prepare you for professional advancement and graduate-level study.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies program will be able to:

  1. Communicate clearly and effectively both orally and in writing.

  2. Solve problems using critical, analytical, and quantitative skills.

  3. Demonstrate up-to-date knowledge, skills, and methods in one’s discipline.

  4. Demonstrate information literacy.

  5. Use information technology proficiently and responsibly.

  6. Identify and respond to ethical issues in the workplace and the community.

Program at a Glance:



Transfer Credits:

Up to 102 transfer credits can be applied to this degree.


100% online


See how you can finish this degree for as low as $11,000.

Per Credit Tuition:

$600 per credit

See if you are eligible for a corporate discount

*Tuition is based on 2020-2021 tuition and does not include fees or books.

Emergency Student Aid

Emergency Student Aid grants are available for Peirce students. Grants can be used to pay off balances, cover tuition, buy books, and for all costs of attendance, including food, rent, childcare, and transportation. Learn more.


Bachelor of Arts Degree Curriculum - Minimum Total Credits: 121

PRC 101Peirce College Orientation1
BIS 111Application Software Fundamentals3
COM 112Speech Communication3
COM 312Practical Reasoning3
ENG 101English Composition3
ENG 103Rhetoric and Research3
HUM 102Introduction to Ethics3
HUM/HISHumanities/History Core (choose 1)3
MAT 101Introduction to College Mathematics3
MAT 102College Algebra3
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology3
SCISCI Core (choose 2)6
SOC SCISocial Science Core (choose 1)3
GEN EDGen Ed Core (choose 1)3

Elective courses (choose 26)


Students must select one of the following approved academic tracks, which will be applied to the Elective requirements.

Cloud Computing (18 credits - certificate awarded*)

  • ITN 130 Networking Fundamentals 
  • ITN 144 Introduction to Network Security
  • ITN 200 Server Administration I  
  • ITN 301 Linux Administration, Networking and Security
  • ITN 410 Server Administration II
  • BIS 235 Database Management Systems

Criminal Justice (18 credits)

  • CJS 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • CJS 104 Criminal Court System
  • CJS 225 Criminology**
  • CJS 207 Ethics in Criminal Justice
  • CJS 213 The Correctional System
  • CJS 224 Juvenile Justice

Quality Service Management (18 credits - certificate awarded*)

  • COM 202 Intercultural Communications
  • MGT 114 Essential in Customer Service
  • MGT 126 Organizations and People
  • MGT 119 Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
  • MGT 130 Introduction to Supervision and Management
  • MGT 132 Process Management

Cybersecurity (18 credits - certificate awarded*)

  • ITN 144 Introduction to Network Security
  • ISC 310 Information Security and Risk Management
  • ISC 325 Access Control, Security Assessment and Security in the Software
  • ISC 410 Asset Security and Security Engineering
  • ISC 425 Network Security and Security Engineering
  • ITN 405 Ethical Hacking

Entrepreneurship (24 credits)

  • ACC 105 Fundamentals of Accounting
  • BUS 100 Introduction to Business
  • ENT 200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management
  • ENT 225 Accounting, Finance, and Tax for Smaller Businesses
  • ENT 280 Entrepreneurial Marketing
  • ENT 401 Entrepreneurial Strategies and Tactics
  • MGT 126 Organizations and People
  • MGT 130 Introduction to Supervision and Management

Human Resource Management (18 credits - certificate awarded*)

  • HRM 201 Introduction to Human Resource Management
  • HRM 306 Managing Employment Law
  • HRM 310 Training Development and Design
  • HRM 350 Human Capital Management
  • HRM 395 Total Rewards
  • MGT 126 Organizations and People

IT Support (16 credits - certificate awarded*)

  • ENG 101 English Composition**
  • BIS 111 Application Software Fundamentals** 
  • ITN 120 PC Fundamentals 
  • ITN 130 Network Fundamentals 
  • ITN 220 Helpdesk & Customer Service Concepts
  • ITN 144 Introduction to Network Security

Management (18 credits)

  • BUS 100 Introduction to Business
  • HRM 201 Introduction to Human Resource Management
  • MGT 210 Applied Management Concepts
  • MGT 306 Organizational Dynamics
  • MGT 405 Strategic Management
  • ACC 105 Fundamentals of Accounting

Medical Coding (24 credits - certificate awarded*)

  • SCI 240 Anatomy and Physiology I**
  • SCI 250 Anatomy and Physiology II**
  • SCI 270 Pathophysiology**
  • HIT 100 Medical Terminology
  • HIT 218 Healthcare Reimbursement
  • HIT 220 ICD-10 CM Coding
  • HIT 225 CPT/Outpatient Coding
  • HIT 221 Advanced ICD Coding and Virtual PPE
    HIT 226 Advanced CPT Coding and Virtual PPE

Leadership (18 credits)

  • BUS 100 Introduction to Business
  • MGT 114 Essentials of Customer Service
  • MGT 119 Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
  • MGT 210 Applied Management Concepts
  • MGT 306 Organizational Dynamics
  • MGT 310 Ethical Leadership

Project Management Administration (16 credits - certificate awarded*)

  • MGT 210 Applied Management Concepts
  • MGT 306 Organizational Dynamics
  • MGT 404 Operations Management 
  • MGT 405 Strategic Management 
  • MIS 302 Project Management 

Supply Chain Management & Logistics (18 credits - certificate awarded*)

  • SCM I Forecasting and Logistics***
  • SCM II Sourcing and Operations***
  • MGT 204 Production and Operations Analysis
  • MGT 210 Applied Management Concepts
  • MGT 404 Operations Management 
  • SCM III Supply Chain Management Capstone*** 

*PRC 101 is earned earlier in the program to fulfil requirements for a Certificate of Competency, which require a minimum of 16 credits. 

**ENG 101 and BIS 111 fulfil general education electives. SCI courses fulfil Science general education electives. CJS 225 fulfils Social Science general electives. Students only take these courses once. 

***Students will complete SCM I, SCM II and SCM III through the RIZE consortium platform.  At the successful completion of each course, college credit for these courses is awarded by Peirce College.

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