COVID-19 Info and Resources: Peirce remains fully operational. All Session 1 classes will be provided online. Learn more.

Believe in Better Scholarships at Peirce College 


Created by Peirce College, the purpose of the Scholarship is to provide financial support to new students who enroll at Peirce College. This is a limited time scholarship available for new students enrolling for the first time in Sessions 2 through 5 of the 2021-2022 academic year in undergraduate and graduate programs.


  • Awards of up to $5,000 per student.

Undergraduate Eligibility Criteria:

  • New students who enroll for the first time in an undergraduate program in Sessions 2 through 5 in the 2021-2022 academic year.
  • Scholarship is $500 per session for 10 consecutive sessions for a maximum of $5,000.
  • Students must complete 3 credits per session.
  • Students must maintain good academic standing of 2.0 GPA or greater. Student forfeits the scholarship if GPA drops below 2.0
  • Eligibility is for ten consecutive sessions beginning with their first session. If student does not register for a session or drops all courses for that session, the scholarship for that session is forfeited. The scholarship expires after ten sessions from the student’s first session.

Students receiving this scholarship are not eligible for any other institutional discounts or scholarships, such as a corporate tuition discount, Community College Articulation Scholarship, PEOG, etc. If a student is eligible for other institutional aid, they can choose this promotional scholarship instead. However they will ineligible for the institutional aid (corporation tuition discount, Community College Articulation Scholarship, PEOG, etc.) in the future. Students enrolled in the Career Bridge program are not eligible.


  • Graduate: Awards of $1,000 per student.
  • Graduate - Alumni: Awards of $1,500 per student. 

Graduate Eligibility Criteria:

  • New students who enroll for the first time in a graduate program in Sessions 2 through 5 in the 2021-2022 academic year.
  • New students may receive a scholarship of $250 per session for 4 consecutive sessions for a maximum of $1,000.
  • Peirce alumni who start a graduate program for the first time may receive a scholarship of $375 per session for 4 consecutive sessions for a maximum of $1,500.
  • Students must complete 3 credits per session.
  • Students must maintain good academic standing of 3.0 GPA or greater. Student forfeits the scholarship if GPA drops below 3.0.
  • Eligibility is for 4 consecutive sessions beginning with their first session. If student does not register for a session or drops all courses for that session, the scholarship for that session is forfeited. The scholarship expires after four sessions from the student’s first session. 


Undergraduate:  Contact an Admissions Counselor

Graduate: Contact a Graduate Admissions Counselor 

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