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Meet Our Medical Coding Certificate Faculty

Todd Nickelsberg, M.S.

Todd Nickelsberg

Todd Nickelsberg

Assistant Professor

M.S., Saint Joseph’s University
B.S., Peirce College
A.A.S., Community College of Philadelphia

Subject Areas: Health Information Technology, Health Informatics, Medical Coding, Health Administration, Healthcare Finance, Community/Public Health

Professor Todd Nickelsberg teaches in both the Health Information Technology (HIT) and Healthcare Information Administration (HIA) programs at Peirce College. He has spent the majority of his career working in various healthcare settings serving as Privacy Officer, Associate Executive Director of Program Standards and Capacity Management and most recently as Clinical Consultant. Professor Nickelsberg is very passionate about teaching adult learners and has been doing so for almost nine years.

He earned his associate degree in Paralegal Studies from Community College of Philadelphia, his bachelor's degree in Paralegal studies from Peirce College and his Masters of Science in Health Administration with a concentration in Health Information Technology from Saint Joseph's University. Professor Nickelsberg is actively exploring various Doctoral programs as he firmly believes that lifelong learning not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development; but also self-sustainability, as well as competitiveness. Professor Nickelsberg is also an active member of the following trade associations; American College of Healthcare Executives, American Public Health Association, Healthcare Financial Management Association, Health Information and Management Systems Society and American Health Information Management Association.

Professor Nickelsberg has a considerable amount of experience performing financial and clinical audits that include Risk Adjustment and Medical Record Reviews (MRRs), Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Payment Integrity Reviews and Care and Quality Improvement Audits. He has performed these audits in a variety of healthcare settings that include long-term care facilities, ambulatory care facilities, inpatient medical settings and various behavioral healthcare facilities that include inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol programs.

At Peirce, he teaches Statistical Applications in Healthcare; ICD-10 Coding; Computer Information Systems for HIT; Advanced Quality Management and Performance Improvement in Healthcare; Electronic Health Records; Health Code Sets, Clinical Terminologies and Classification Systems; and Advanced ICD-10 Coding.

In his spare time, Professor Nickelsberg enjoys spending time with his daughter, watching re-runs of Seinfeld, and following his favorite NCAA College Football team, The Ohio State University Buckeyes.

Contact Todd Nickelsberg, M.S.:

    The faculty members of Peirce College's Medical Coding Certificate program equips students with the skills necessary to review patients’ medical records and assign numeric codes for each diagnosis and procedure. Medical coders's accuracy directly impacts billing and the revenue cycle as well as outcomes and reporting activities. When teaching the coursework, our faculty relies on Health Information Management principles for the basis of our Medical Coding Certificate program.

    Students will learn about medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, ICD-10 coding, CPT coding, health information and delivery systems, healthcare reimbursement methods and healthcare, legal and compliance issues. The faculty requires students in the Medical Coding Certificate program to complete a Professional Practice Experience (PPE) in which you complete a minimum of 40 hours of authentic coding using a logic-based encoder.

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