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Meet Our Health Information Technology Faculty

Jacqueline Penrod, J.D.

Jacqueline Penrod

Jacqueline Penrod

Associate Professor

J.D., Temple University
M.B.A., Temple University
B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Subject Areas: Health Information Privacy and Technology, Healthcare Finance, Healthcare Regulatory Compliance, Managed Healthcare, Managed Behavioral Healthcare

Professor Jacqueline Penrod teaches in the Health Programs Department at Peirce College. She has spent more than 25 years working in various sectors of the healthcare industry. Her experiences range from working as a business person in a research institute, physician practices, health systems, health maintenance organizations and at a major healthcare consulting firm. For the past 15 years, Professor Penrod has practiced law in the health care field, focusing primarily in the areas of managed healthcare, behavioral managed health care, regulatory compliance and health information privacy.

She earned a bachelor's degree in marketing from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Indiana,Pennsylvania), a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in finance from Temple University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and a Juris Doctor degree from the James Beasley School of Law at Temple University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).

At Peirce, Professor Penrod teaches Health Information Technology, Legal Aspects of Health Information, Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Strategy and Organizational Development, Health Care Compliance and Health Care Finance. In addition to her career at Peirce, Professor Penrod continues to counsel clients particularly relating to protecting the privacy of health information and to advocate for better access to mental health services.

In her spare time, Professor Penrod enjoys practicing yoga, training for and running road races and writing.

Contact Jacqueline Penrod, J.D.:

    The Peirce College Associate in Science in Health Information Technology (HIT) degree program is taught by an experienced faculty with a background working in healthcare professions. Our HIT professors prepare students for employment in hospitals, office-based physician practices, nursing homes, home health agencies, mental health facilities, public health agencies and other organizations that use patient data or health information such as law and insurance firms and pharmaceutical companies.

    The faculty's goal with the Health Information Technology degree program is to show their students how to apply sound theories and principles of health information technology based upon the 2012 American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) curriculum competencies and the accreditation requirements of the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM).

    In your introductory-level courses, the faculty will teach you about medical terminology with an emphasis on analysis of components, meaning, spelling and pronunciation and then give you lessons on the basics of health information management. This includes teachings on the history of healthcare, organization of healthcare delivery in the United States, medical record types and content and preparation for career opportunities.

    As you move through the associate degree program, the faculty will also offer lessons on statistical applications in healthcare, legal issues relating to the field, healthcare reimbursement, ICD-10 medical coding (including advanced coding), outpatient coding, computer information systems and the managing quality and improving performance. The faculty will guide you through coverage of the theory and practice of performance and quality improvement processes in healthcare organizations, further preparing you to work in an HIT capacity.

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