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Alyssa Dorney

Alyssa Dorney

Alyssa Dorney

Class of 2015 Master of Science in Organizational Leadership & Management

For adults who are interested in going back to school to earn their master's degree, flexibility is everything. When Alyssa Dorney was looking to continue her education, she debated the pros and cons of pursuing her master's degree while working a full-time job.

"After earning my bachelor's degree, I had immediately started my career in finance. I kept asking my self, Do I really want to go back and sit in a classroom all day, or do I want to give myself a break to focus on my career?" reflects Alyssa.

When she started working in the Finance Department at Peirce College, Alyssa knew it was time to go back. She decided to enroll in the College's Master's of Science in Organizational Leadership & Management. "I liked the idea that I was investing in a degree that could be applied to many different areas of business. It would allow me to grow, even above and beyond my field of expertise."

Alyssa enrolled in classes, knowing she would have to work hard to balance everything in her life. Finding the balance proved a little less challenging though when she learned that Peirce College was introducing Peirce Fit, a new class format that promises to give students a more flexible way to learn.

A New Way to Learn

Peirce Fit allows students to control on a week-to-week basis if they would like to attend class on campus or complete the work online - and it allows students to change their mind at a moment's notice. Alyssa saw this as ideal for adult students, but she wasn't surprised that this flexibility was being offered: "Peirce's primary focus is on adult learners. Peirce gives adult students opportunities."

“ It took a lot of the burden off going to school. ”

Best of Both Worlds

Alyssa planned on taking most of her classes on campus, but as she pursued her degree, she found herself taking advantage of the online option of Peirce Fit, especially over the summer and during the holiday season.

"It took a lot of the burden off going to school," she explained. "In a traditional course, I would have to plan my schedule out in advance for the eight weeks that I was committed to that class. It doesn't really allow for any flexibility or spontaneity in making plans with friends or family, and I know there are moments I would have missed. With Peirce Fit, I didn't have to miss anything. Even though I like to attend class on campus, I completed the work online when I needed."

Being able to pick and choose what days she could go on campus or attend classes remotely kept Alyssa on track to finish her master's degree on time. She graduated in December 2015, and she's already seeing the benefits.

"I was recently promoted at work. It's so rewarding to see all of my hard work in going back for my master's degree pay off!"

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