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Angela Felver

Angela Felver

Angela Felver

Class of 2019 Bachelor of Science in Accounting

As a single mother of three children, Angela Felver was determined to provide a solid future for herself and her family. That is why Angela decided to go back to school and earn her degree.

Angela enrolled at Bucks County Community College eager to take the first step in bettering her life and career. Prior to graduation, Angela began researching schools to attend for her bachelor’s degree. She knew that the school she would attend needed to cater to online adult students and that’s when she found Peirce College.

After speaking with her Enrollment Specialist, Blake Scull, to Angela’s excitement, she discovered all of her credits from Bucks would transfer over into her next degree, a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. This capability to transfer in all those credits would save Angela both time and money.

“Thanks to the program at Peirce, I have gained a huge amount of confidence in myself.”

After learning of Peirce’s flexibility and transfer credit acceptance, Angela was ready to enroll. She started her Peirce journey officially in the spring of 2017 and never looked back.

Angela’s initial thoughts on Peirce were immediately verified when she learned of Peirce Fit® and the flexibility to decide each week whether to attend class online or on campus. This provided Angela with the comfort she needed in order to persevere.

“It eased my mind that there were classes I could attend on campus in case I found a specific topic troubling, thanks to the Peirce Fit program,” said Angela. “Having three children (two that are still young and depend on me for a lot) really limits my ability to do what I need to do, but Peirce understands these kinds of situations and really had a solution for me so I could succeed at school.”

After hard work and dedication, Angela has checked another degree off her list as she officially graduated with her bachelor’s degree in December 2018, and walked across the commencement stage on June 11, 2019. Reflecting back on her time with Peirce, she said "Thanks to the program at Peirce, I have gained a huge amount of confidence in myself. I was able to put what I learned in the classroom into immediate use at my workplace, and my title has shifted since completing this degree.”

Angela is now an office administrator and accountant, which aligns perfectly with the career goals she originally set out to achieve when deciding to return to school. But, Angela is not done yet. She is immediately moving on to earn her master’s in accounting, so she can continue to reach her top career goals and educational objectives. Angela plans to sit for the CPA following this next degree and continue to progress in the accounting field.

As a full-time mother and employee, Angela expressed the challenges of going to school as an adult, but beautifully explains the true benefit of earning the degree:

“The added stressors of adult life can really make it seem like there is no time for going back to school. Really though, the opposite is true. You will be stuck in the rut that these stressors create unless you claw your way out, and earning a degree is the most significant way to reduce the pressures of those challenges.”

Congratulations to Angela on all of her successes. Peirce College wishes her nothing but the best as she continues on chasing her educational and career goals.

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