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Charlene Glenn, Ed.D.

Charlene Glenn,

Charlene Glenn


Ed.D, St. Joseph's University
M.S., Villanova University
B.S., Widener University
ACBSP Facilitator

Subject Areas: Management

Dr. Charlene Glenn is a full Professor in the Business Division at Peirce College. She has over 20 years of experience in higher education. Her experience includes: business instruction of undergraduate and graduate students – online, hybrid and face-to-face delivery models – curriculum development, student development programming, developing outcomes assessment programs, accreditation reporting, management accountability of academic support services and grant writing.

Dr. Glenn is passionate about providing soft skills training for students because she believes students should leave the College equipped with academic knowledge and business tools to succeed in business. She expanded workshops originally offered in the Business division for academic development into a full-blown event, "The Business Division Conference," which has been held the past four years. The conference includes keynote speakers, workshops and exhibitors focused on professional development topics.

Based on positive student interest of the Business Division Conference, Dr. Glenn saw a need to continue professional development offerings. She developed a Professional Enrichment Series featuring content on current and relevant business trends. Outside speakers and Peirce staff facilitated sessions on the following: Networking, Emotional Intelligence, Professionalism in the Workplace and Philadelphia Workforce trends. Because of her interest in golf, a beginner's golf clinic is linked with the Networking session.

In a consultant capacity, Dr. Glenn and other faculty around the country developed a two-year major field test in business for the Educational Testing Service (ETS). She is also a certified external evaluator for the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) and has served on several site team visits for institutions seeking accreditation or re-affirmation of their business programs.

Her dissertation on Using Assessment Instruments to Improve Business Curriculum and Instruction at Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Schools led her interest in outcomes assessment. She has presented at several regional and national conferences on outcomes assessment and distance learning.

Additionally, she engages in action research projects to improve her instruction. Some of the projects she completed involved: examining how to improve ethics instruction within the business program and examining factors that impact students' outcomes in virtual teams.

Prior to joining the education field, she worked in the banking industry for six years in the commercial finance and credit areas.

Outside of her professional life, she loves fashion, travel and golf.

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