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Erika Barreto

Erika Barreto

Erika Barreto

Class of 2016 Master of Science in Organizational Leadership & Management

When Erika Barreto ‘11 was making the decision to go back to school there was only one thing that really scared her: not being able to finish what she started.

“I didn’t know if I could handle fitting one more thing into my schedule,” she says.

But when she made the decision to return to Peirce for her master’s degree in Organizational Leadership & Management, she knew that Peirce would be there to support her. Finding the balance became easier when the College introduced Peirce Fit – a flexible delivery model that gives students the ability to choose if they want to complete their classwork on campus or online and the flexibility to change their mind from week-to-week.

Erika was thrilled. “Any kind of class format I’ve heard of, the school dictates if you attend class on campus or online. This lets students choose. It allows them to be in control of their education.”

Finding the Best Fit

For Erika, Peirce Fit provides a solution for working adult students.

“ It really was the best of both worlds. ”

The freedom to choose when and how she completed her classwork allowed her to spend more time with her family and took some of the pressure off of balancing school and work. Although she usually enjoys on-campus classes, Erika found herself taking frequent advantage of the online option. “I didn’t have to alter my schedule at my job or my time with my family to fit around school. Instead, I was making school fit with my life and career.

Erika still came to some of her classes on campus, when her schedule allowed. “It was nice to get to know my classmates face -to -face. It really was the best of both worlds.”

Eliminating Barriers

Erika recommends Peirce Fit for anyone who’s struggling to fit going back to school into their life. “It eliminates excuses. If you think you don’t have the time to earn your degree,” she says, “then Peirce Fit is the option for you."

With Peirce Fit, Erika doesn’t have to worry about not finishing what she started. In fact, in June 2016, she’ll be walking across the stage at graduation for the second time in five years!

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