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Mindy Harrell

Mindy Harrell

Mindy Harrell

Class of 2019 Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies

Mindy Harrell, a current Peirce College Paralegal Studies student, is the perfect example of how non-traditional students can chase their educational dreams while maintaining a work-life-school balance.

After graduating from The Community College of Philadelphia with her associate degree in 1996, Mindy decided to take some time off from school. Nineteen years later, she realized it was time to go back. There was no more delaying her next educational goal.

The Right Time

Mindy, who works at Philadelphia Gas Works as a General Clerk, originally discovered Peirce College at a time in her life when education was the last thing on her mind. She had already worked at PGW for years, and though she thought she would need a bachelor’s degree to climb the ladder in her office, she was content with her situation. But then everything changed one day at work.

“ Earning my bachelor’s degree is a goal I’ve set for myself, and I’m sticking to it. ”

Like most other days, Mindy was at work completing her many duties. Then Mindy met Steve Bird. Steve, Peirce College’s Manager of Corporate Partnerships, was at the PGW office holding an information session about PGW’s partnership with Peirce College.

Upon learning that PGW was one of Peirce College’s employee partners and that she would receive a 25 percent discount on her tuition, Mindy had just one more person to speak with before making her decision. She connected with her boss and learned she could be promoted after earning her bachelor’s degree. Mindy was sold.

Balancing It All

In 2015, she enrolled at Peirce College and has been juggling her full-time job, attending classes and taking care of her 12-year-old daughter ever since.

“Life definitely gets hectic, and I wish I had some more free time,” says Mindy, “but earning my bachelor’s degree is a goal I’ve set for myself, and I’m sticking to it.”

Though she is proud of herself for pursuing her bachelor’s degree, Mindy admits that her time as a student hasn’t been without any hurdles. “Since it had been quite a while between my time at CCP and when I started at Peirce, it was more difficult for me as an adult student. But that’s only because I have more on my plate these days; I have my work life, my daughter, school and I also try to fit some fun in there!”

When asked to share advice to other adults considering returning to college to complete their bachelor’s, Mindy doesn’t hesitate. “Don’t put it off!” she exclaims. “I waited 19 years, and I know that others are out there in my same situation. I would urge all of the people like me to consider how they’ll feel when they earn their bachelor’s degree, and all of the windows it can open for you. That’s what keeps me going.”

Mindy is set to graduate in the spring of 2019 where she’ll take her new skills and degree straight to the workforce to achieve the progress in her career she now desires.

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