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Online Learning & Going Back to School



The decision to go back to college is a significant one for most adults. And the thought of coming back and taking online courses can be intimidating.

If you're worried about whether you can be successful as an online student – relax!  

Every year, thousands of adults with little or no computer experience are successful as online students. 

Why not you? 

Let’s tackle the most common misconceptions that adults have about online learning.

1. “I'm not a computer expert. How can I possibly be successful online?” 

You don't need to be a computer expert to be successful in an online course. Most colleges, especially those that specialize in serving adults, provide tutorials to familiarize you with online course before you start. 

At Peirce College, our online courses make it easy for you to submit assignments, participate in online discussions, access your course schedule, and get help, whenever you need it. 

2. “I'll be on my own because I'm not in a physical classroom.” 

Online courses are highly interactive. Discussions between students and the professor are a big part of the course experience – and your grade. Online discussion boards work like the comment features you see on social media platforms, and support robust online conversations in the course. 

At Peirce, our students tell us that what they learn from the interactions in their online courses can often be applied directly to their jobs and careers. 

3. “What if I need help or have a question?” 

You can privately contact your professors or classmates directly from the online course space. This is helpful when you want to ask a question that you don't want the rest of the class to see.

At Peirce, professors in our online courses are available for private discussions and additional assistance. You can speak with them over the phone, via email, or in-person. In addition, Peirce students can access online and on-campus tutoring services for extra assistance in their courses. 

4. “I can't find the time to do this.” 

Online learning can remove the barriers of time and location for busy adults. That's really important, because most adults can't sacrifice their personal and professional responsibilities to sit in a classroom at a specific time -- even on weekends or during the evening. 

At Peirce, they don’t have to. Our online courses have a weekly schedule that allows you to complete your work anytime during the week – where and when it is convenient for you. Online courses work around your schedule, not the other way around. 

To learn more about going back to college as a busy adult and taking online courses, contact us at or 215.670.9214. 

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