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Peirce College & Congreso Are Corporate Partners

As the college for adult learners in Philadelphia, Peirce has spent more than 150 years providing adults with the educations they need for the careers they deserve. Many of our students are already in the workforce but need a degree to help advance their career. To that end, Peirce has added Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Inc. as a member of its corporate partners program. Congreso is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1977 and is committed to strengthening Latino communities through the provision of educational, economic, social and health services as well as leadership development and advocacy.

Corporate Partnership Tuition Discount

If you're an employee of Congreso or the spouse or dependent of an employee, then you may be able to take advantage of our corporate partners program to enjoy exclusive benefits once you become a Peirce student. The best one? We offer you a discount off your tuition, making sure that going to college as an adult learner isn't just easy for you at Peirce

To receive your Peirce College corporate discount, simply complete a Peirce College application and select your employer when asked how you heard about Peirce. A Peirce admissions representative will then be in touch to guide you through the next steps. To see a full list of benefits Peirce offers through our corporate partnership with Congreso, click here. We’ll also waive your $50 undergraduate application fee.

About Congreso

For 40 years, Congreso has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of Latinos. The Philadelphia non-profit is a leading provider of high-quality programs that serve this community through a client-centered, data-driven approach to offerings that truly make a difference that can be seen in Congreso's nationally renowned emphasis on outcomes measurement.

Congreso believes in taking action with purpose and became an early adopter of this strategic approach to moving nonprofits away from outputs and toward outcomes. Through constantly iterating, Congreso has evolved to a position where it is able to strengthen not just community residents, but also the organizations that serve those residents. The sustainable changes it develops and deploys are intended to alleviate poverty in families by increasing their economic status through efforts like its college partnership with Peirce.

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