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Meet Our Organizational Leadership & Management Faculty


The faculty members of Peirce College's Organizational Leadership & Management (MSOLM) program have one primary goal: to prepare students for successful, rewarding careers in organizational change, consultation, management, and leadership. Professors will ensure that students utilize their analytical and diagnostic skills by implementing, planning, and improving processes for institutional, team, and individual development.

Our faculty members begin the program by teaching Organizational Leadership degree students foundational aspects like taking a holistic view of organizations, structures, human resources, and political and cultural dynamics. Early on in the program our professors also provide coursework in research methodology, imparting in students the lessons necessary to perform applied research methods and to write reports at the expected graduate level. In Systems Dynamics and Change, students explore how modern organizations are in constant states of flux, and how to keep up with the change and become a force for change themselves.

MSOLM faculty also teaches coursework around making ethical decisions and on how to become a transcendent leader, so that students develop inside-out leadership awareness and learn to effectively manage people. And you'll learn how to lead the culturally and generationally diverse populace that makes up today's workforce.

As you continue through the program, faculty will rely on its leadership and management expertise to impart wisdom about business communications, system literacy, project management, strategic management, and finance. Finally, faculty will guide you through a capstone project that puts all of your organizational leadership skills and knowledge to the test and challenges you to prove a mastery in the field.

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