COVID-19 Info and Resources: Peirce remains fully operational. All Session 1 classes will be provided online. Learn more.


Prepare to Advance with an Online Master’s in Interdisciplinary Studies

The online MS in Interdisciplinary Studies program provides a flexible, customizable graduate degree program for those looking to advance into leadership positions in a wide range of industries.  Students in the program will complete a 30-credit course of study including fundamentals of leadership theory and research, two distinct areas of study, and an applied capstone/practicum. 

Free Books:  New students can get free books for their first course. 

Earn Credit for What You Already Know, including expertise you have gained in your career. Learn more.

    What You Can Expect

    • Accelerated, online 7– and 8-week courses
    • Weekly, optional, live online sessions with your professors
    • The opportunity to earn credit for what you have learned in your career
    • The ability to finish your master’s in less than 18 months
    • Lively interaction with your fellow busy adult students and faculty
    • To gain expertise that can be applied to your job on day one
    • Flexible formats that work around your busy schedule






    Upcoming Start Dates


    Fall 2022 (Session 1)

    • Applications due:  August 12, 2022
    • Classes start:  Week of September 6, 2022

    Spring 2023 (Session 3)

    • Applications due:  December 16, 2022
    • Classes start:  Week of January 9, 2023

    Program at a Glance:




    100% online

    Transfer Credits:

    Up to 12 transfer credits can be applied to this degree

    Estimated Tuition for Degree:


    ($772 per credit x 30 credits)

    See if you are eligible for a corporate discount


    *Tuition is based on current tuition and does not include fees or books.

    Emergency Student Aid

    Emergency Student Aid grants are available for Peirce students. Grants can be used to pay off balances, cover tuition, buy books, and for all costs of attendance, including food, rent, childcare, and transportation. Learn more.

    MS in Interdisciplinary Studies Curriculum

    Total Credits: 30

    Requirement PrerequisiteCredits
    OLM 501Foundations of Contemporary Leadership Theory & Practice
    OLM 503Applied Research MethodsOLM 501 must be completed or concurrently enrolled.3
    Area of Study OneStudents will work with a Graduate Faculty Advisor to select courses 9
    Area of Study TwoStudents will work with a Graduate Faculty Advisor to select courses 

    Area of Study options can include:

    • Healthcare Administration and Operations Management
    • Higher Education Leadership and Nonprofit Leadership
    • Public Health Administration and Healthcare Administration
    IST 590Practicum/Capstone in Interdisciplinary Studies All prior courses must be completed; may be taken in same term as one other course in program.6
    Total  30


    Program Outcomes

    Graduates of the program will be able to:

    1. Synthesize and integrate leadership theories in two chosen Areas of Study 
    2. Integrate major theories of practice from two chosen Areas of Study.
    3. Develop and present the results of an interdisciplinary and individualized application to both research and practice.

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