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Citizenship and Social Responsibility

Corporations are taking on bigger roles to solve many of the intractable problems that exist in our communities. Revenue and other market indicators are still of primary importance to most business organizations. However, in addition to generating a healthy profit margin, business leaders also focus on driving social and community impact. For organizations striving to achieve community impact, having a strong partner is a necessity. Peirce College’s Employer Relations team is the local partner you need to establish a strategy for making philanthropic contributions and performing community work that makes an appreciable difference. At Peirce, we have the people, resources and knowledge to be an impact player in helping you realize your citizenship and social responsibility (CSR) goals.

How Peirce College Can Help You Help Others

Peirce is one of the few colleges or universities with a clear, stated agenda for citizenship and social responsibility. We work closely with Greater Philadelphia Area businesses, elected officials and non-profits to fight and advocate for the causes we care most about:

  1. Provide deliberate, strategic coordination for businesses and organizations wanting to combat poverty, provide greater access to higher education, offer better support for degree completion and foster improved regional diversity, inclusion, and equity.
  2. Ensure our student and alumni body of working adult learners can move toward financial stability by receiving practical educations that lead to better jobs.
  3. Offer custom workforce training solutions that expand employment opportunities and fuel business growth.

Reducing poverty and creating a world-class region is a cause championed by both Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney and leading business/workforce institutions. Peirce believes that greater access to higher education and increased diversity and workforce development are levers that we must pull in order to help the city and its constituents. An educated, diverse workforce is one that will not only have access to better jobs but one that can bring new ideas to those jobs and perform them at a higher level.

Peirce’s Two-Generation Strategy for Fighting Poverty

Peirce’s student body is extremely diverse. Our students are largely African American, female and working adult learners. To serve them and the community at large, we follow a two-generation strategy that addresses the needs of an entire household.

By educating parents, we help them gain access to better employment opportunities. That improves their own lives as well as that of their children. Those children then grow up in a more financially stable environment and gain stronger access to higher education and other wraparound services.

Peirce’s Strategic Philanthropy Plans

Peirce College has the long history and extensive resources necessary to help you drive toward the completion of your citizenship and social responsibility goals. We’ve worked with local organizations in facilitating the creation and realization of CSR plans. Whether you want to get out in the community and get to work, provide the funding necessary to further causes or both, Peirce is uniquely positioned to ensure you do so in a strategic way that makes a palpable difference throughout the Delaware Valley.

Get Started

Contact us at 215.670.9007 to discover how Peirce College can be an impact player in accomplishing your citizenship and social responsibility goals.

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