COVID-19 Info and Resources: Peirce remains fully operational. All Session 1 classes will be provided online. Learn more.


Employer Relations

For more than 150 years, Peirce College has supported working students in the region with practical and market-relevant programs. Peirce was founded in 1865 to serve the business education needs of returning Civil War veterans. Today, Peirce continues that tradition and provides a transformative experience that directly connects higher education to career pathways and financial stability. Through career-focused programs and innovative delivery formats, the College acts as a key supplier of talent and workforce solutions in the region.

Employer Relations at Peirce is a strategic capability that connects the unique strengths and assets of the College with the organizational needs of Greater Philadelphia Area businesses, nonprofits and government institutions. The College’s Employer Relations team delivers business solutions through key strategic capabilities:

Talent Acquisition and Management

Peirce’s graduates and students are equipped with practical knowledge, skills and tools that will help your organization meet its goals. We partner with businesses across the region to develop non-traditional talent pipelines comprised of adult learners, including internships, co-ops, and full-time job opportunities. Organized and structured as an extension of your human resource team, we deliver solutions that both meet your operational and strategic talent needs.

Custom Training Solutions

Our staff and faculty work with our nonprofit, government and corporate partnership organizations to identify workforce skills gaps and training needs to better align employee performance with your business priorities. We work directly with employers like you to create customized training programs within our portfolio that make sense for your specific business and customers.

Workforce Solutions

Peirce College is leading the way in providing innovative, flexible delivery formats like Peirce Fit and competency-based education (CBE) that meet the talent and organizational development needs of employers throughout the region. The “unbundling” of what and how products and services are delivered to adult learners is a much-needed disruption in the market that organizations across the spectrum are embracing.

Citizenship and Social Responsibility

As a community impact partner, Peirce College works with foundations, nonprofit organizations and government entities to advance education, workforce development, community development and economic development priorities. Peirce’s Employer Relations team looks to work with our corporate partners on philanthropic and advisory board opportunities.

Who We Serve

Recognizing that an educated and skilled workforce is essential for driving Philadelphia’s economic growth, Peirce has committed itself to providing workforce solutions for local businesses, corporations, nonprofit organizations and government agencies. Learn more about the types of organizations we’ve helped and how we can help yours too.

Contact Us

If you’re ready to take the next step toward overcoming your business needs, contact us at 215.670.9007 to discover Peirce solutions.

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