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Who Our Employer Relations Team Serves

Peirce College’s Employer Relations team is committed to developing long-standing and impactful relationships with Philadelphia area employers and key stakeholders. With a record of accomplishment in providing solutions and delivering results for more than 150 years, we help organizations advance their strategic workforce priorities. 

An educated and skilled workforce is essential for driving Greater Philadelphia’s economic growth. At Peirce, we’re doing our part by providing non-traditional working adults with the skills they need to obtain a family-sustaining wage, advance their careers and power their organizations forward. And to support the employers who drive our regional economy, we provide customized training solutions, talent management services, educational credentialing innovations and social responsibility/philanthropic insights and collaboration.

Through these efforts, we’re helping organizations of all types overcome complex challenges; attract, develop and retain nontraditional diverse talent pools; and build more impactful corporate citizenship strategies. Our Employer Relations team provides these services for Greater Philadelphia area organizations of all types:

  • Local businesses
  • Corporations
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Local, State and Federal government agencies and elected officials

Peirce’s Vision for Workforce and Community Development

For more than 150 years, Peirce has served the region’s non-traditional, working adult learners by providing them with the practical, education they need to qualify for higher-skilled jobs. At the same time, as we’re helping these working adults earn their degrees and seek advancement in the workplace, we’re also working with organizations looking to diversify their talent recruitment channels and upskill their front-line workforce. By focusing on both the supply and demand side of the talent equation, we’re able to provide organizations with a pipeline of diverse, experienced job seekers and offer credentialing and training opportunities to incumbent workers.

Our community and workforce development initiatives will produce useful insights, tools, and outcomes. As part of a Philadelphia delegation led by the Commerce department, our team participated in a trip to Germany to study the world-class education and job training best practices there. Moreover, we have joined the Economy League of Philadelphia and the Main Line Chamber of Commerce on leadership exchanges and special missions to other cities and states across the country. These initiatives support our region’s education, talent and workforce development priorities.

While most colleges and universities separate their government and corporate relations functions, at Peirce we’re all one team, which provides us with a 360-degree view of the entire workforce ecosystem. We can speak with companies about what the City is doing to train and prepare workers for the knowledge economy. Similarly, we can provide insights to City agencies and officials about what is important to the business community and how best to engage with this stakeholder group. Our work experience with government institutions, for-profit companies, and community-based organizations has put us in the unique position of understanding the needs of all three sectors.

We Want to Serve You Too

At Peirce, we believe that accessible and market-relevant higher education programs help both employers and employees. Through training and degree completion, we are equipping employees with the right set of tools for advancement – particularly in areas where employers have expressed a shortage of talent or organizational capability. In addition, we are helping employers think more broadly and creatively about non-traditional workers with respect to recruitment, career pathways and talent development.

And there’s one more group we want to serve – yours. Contact us at 215.670.9007 to learn how our workforce development efforts can benefit your organization.
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