COVID-19 Info and Resources: Peirce remains fully operational. All Session 1 classes will be provided online. Learn more.

Peirce College Is Your Talent Source

Talent is quantifiable, measurable, and inextricably linked to the success or failure of an enterprise. An organization can only grow and advance if it attracts, hires and retains the very best talent. Many business leaders and hiring managers embrace and accept this fundamental principle. The challenge is identifying and attracting the right talent for your organization and then nurturing that talent to meet your short, mid and long-term objectives. That’s where Peirce College’s Employer Relations team can help.

Our smaller size is an enterprise strength and customer value proposition. Our faculty and administrative staff we remain agile, nimble, and responsive, allowing us to support your organization’s operational and strategic workforce pipelining needs. We’re not a traditional four-year college, so we don’t operate like a traditional four-year college. We pride ourselves on having not only the traditional hallmarks of an academic institution but also the knowledge and capabilities of a workforce development partner. Peirce is the college that works for working adults and a valuable supplier of nontraditional diverse talent for your sourcing and hiring needs throughout the Greater Philadelphia region.

Career-Minded Students

For more than 150 years, Peirce has been helping students advance their careers by providing them with practical, market-relevant education. The average age of a Peirce student is 35 years young, so most have already spent years in the workforce, and many of them are working in full-time roles while pursuing their degrees. They are focused on completing their degree requirements and serious about social and economic mobility. Our students are striving to elevate themselves to better jobs and career pathways where their talents and educations can have broader organizational impacts. Our Employer Relations team is dedicated to matching them with regional employers in need of their talent, skills and experiences.

Diverse Student Body

The majority of Peirce students are older and more professionally mature than your typical recent college graduate, and most of them have had many years of work experience. But their age and maturity aren’t the only things that differentiate them. Our student body is almost 80 percent female and nearly 80 percent African American. We also serve a sizable cohort of military veterans. Talent needs in today’s knowledge economy demand connections and relationships with diverse communities, markets and talent pools. Peirce can help you build and connect to workforce pipelines that are diverse, nontraditional and experienced.

Prepared Students with Growth Potential

Our faculty has spent years working in their fields: business, information technology, healthcare, and law. In fact, many of them are still active in their fields today, and all of them are working to impart our students with the knowledge, skills and resources they need to succeed as neighbors, citizens and professionals. At Peirce, our educators focus on practical lessons that prepare our students to succeed in the workplace.

And the classroom isn’t the only place where students learn these skills. Our Employer Relations and Career Development Services teams work in group settings and one-on-one with students to help with resumes and interview preparation. We also provide helpful tools and coaching needed during the onboarding process and continue to support our working adult learners well beyond their hire date or first 90 days. As an extension of your human resource team, we consult and support both employee and employer to work through any challenges and to ensure the relationship is mutually beneficial.

Work with Our Employer Relations Team

The talent, practices, and strategies Philadelphia and regional employers need are right here in your backyard at Peirce College. Contact us 215.670.9007 to learn more about the kind of difference Peirce graduates can make in your organization.

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