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Peirce College Designs Business Training Solutions

Your organization’s challenges and pain points are not generic – so why would you want a generic business training solution? You wouldn’t, of course. Your needs are unique. Consequently, it is critical for your workforce to be skilled, agile, and responsive. That’s where Peirce College’s custom training solutions come in.

Because we are smaller than some other regional players, our Employer Relations team is able to act nimbly and creatively. We work with our faculty members, your human resource team and your subject matter experts to design training solutions that are specific and contextualized to your industry, organization and lines of business. Depending on the scope of work and your particular business challenges, we offer a unique and creative blend of classroom, online and experiential learning opportunities.

Peirce is Philadelphia’s school for working adults, so our professors are particularly adept at providing more than just credentials – they equip adult learners with practical knowledge and skills needed for career progression. Our full-time faculty members have spent extensive time working in their respective fields, and our adjunct professors are current practitioners, thought leaders, and business consultants.

Our industry and demand-driven learning solutions are interdisciplinary and cut across business, healthcare, information technology and legal studies. We specialize in integrating academic credentialing with practical training solutions that align with your short and long-term talent management priorities.

Peirce’s Nontraditional Approach to Business Training Solutions

For more than 150 years, Peirce College has educated, trained and prepared working adults for careers in business and industry. In today’s competitive economy, non-traditional pipelines and career pathways have increasingly become an integral part of many organization’s talent and learning strategies. We work closely with organizations seeking additional guidance and expertise when recruiting, developing and retaining diverse, non-traditional front-line workers. Across industries and sectors, commonly sought-after training topics include:

  • Emotional intelligence for front-line workers
  • Customer service for internal and external customers and stakeholders
  • Diversity and inclusion (cultural competency)
  • Change managementProject management
  • Problem solvingand critical thinking (business analysis)
  • Microsoft applications (business analysis)
  • Cybersecurity and other technology priorities

We also work with our employer partners to develop emerging leaders, managers and executive leadership. Peirce offers master’s degree programs and customized offerings in Organizational Leadership and Management and Healthcare Administration.

How We’ll Develop Your Custom Training Solution

The development of your custom training solution will begin with a discovery phase. During this time, our Employer Relations team will do something that’s far more unusual than it should be. They’ll listen to you. And they will focus on building a long-lasting and impactful relationship. We believe all relationships start with a conversation. The foundation is respect, authenticity and a genuine care for your business and customers.

After spending the appropriate amount of time understanding your business challenges and priorities, Peirce’s Employer Relations team will meet with you and our internal team to facilitate a needs analysis discussion and to storyboard the training solution. During the design phase of work, the Peirce team will work with you to whiteboard every angle of your organization’s performance objectives, training topics, instructional strategies and key performance indicators, to name a few. Once we develop a solution and budget proposal, we’ll present our recommendations to your leadership team and key stakeholders while continuing to refine the proposal until your needs are met.

Training Delivery and Success Measurement

We offer an array of training delivery options:

  • Train the trainer
  • Instructor-led training (classroom style)
  • Online
  • Online and classroom (hybrid)
  • Experiential project-based learning

Peirce evaluates the training efficacy against industry standards and measurements and works with you to determine any next steps. We use the Kilpatrick Model of Training Evaluation as well as other frameworks used by corporate learning and development professionals. After all, what’s the point of training if it doesn’t drive the intended behaviors and outcomes? We work to make sure it does.

Let Us Start Building Your Training Solutions Today

Organizational Development (OD) challenges don’t fix themselves. Peirce College’s educational credentialing, workforce pipelining and training and development are part of the solution. Contact us at 215.670.9007 to begin building your custom training solution.

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