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Peirce College's Self-Study Timeline

 Dates Activities/Tasks
September 2020
  • Propose new dates for Self-Study Team Visit
  • College President, Team Chair, and MSCHE-approval/acceptance of new dates for Team Visit
 October-December 2020
  • WGs review SWOC and Evidence Inventory
  • WGs submit final drafts of SWOC
  • Community Engagement
  • Steering Committee Meetings
  • Review of Evidence Inventory
  • Verification of Compliance Review
  • Drafting Self-Study Report
 January-March 2021
  • Student Group Updates and Engagement Meetings
  • Verification of Compliance review/final draft
  • Community Updates
  • Team Chair’s Planning Meeting -  January 11th 
  • Drafting Self-Study Report
 March-April 2021
  • Community and Board Review of Self Study Draft
  • Drafted Self-Study report sent to Team Chair (two weeks before Team Chair’s Visit) – March 29th 
  • Team Chair’s Visit – April 22nd  
 May-July 2021
  • Self-Study Report finalized, based on Team Chair’s feedback, and shared with the Board and College Community
 August 2021
  • Final Self Study Report/Evidence Inventory/Verification of Compliance with Federal Regulations uploaded to MSCHE Portal (six weeks before Team Visit) – August 30th
  • Preparation for Team Visit
 September-October 2021
  • Preparation for Team Visit
  • Team Visit-Sunday, October 17th- Wednesday, October 20th
 October-November 2021
  • Team Report
  • Institutional Response
 March 2022
  • MSCHE Commission meets to determine action. Peirce College accreditation was reaffirmed.


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